Made by Sivion
Highline - Weltrekord
Longest Slackline rigged and walked between two cablecars:
On September 2nd 2021 the longest slackline ever rigged between two cable cars was walked in Brandnertal, Austria.At 200m height the slackline spanned 65 meters. All ISA requirements for a slackline record were fulfilled. The line was successfully walked by Yannick Loerwald, Justin Kroppa and Thomas Spöttl.
Credits: Slackliner: Yannick Loerwald, Thomas Spöttl & Justin Kroppa
Production by Sivion OG | Film & Schnitt: Noah Insam & Sebastian Ganahl | Sounddesign: Bernhard Fetz |
Drohne: Skycopter | Fotos: Michael Kreyer